Covid-19: Impact on religion and spirituality in Zimbabwe


  • Joseph Muwanzi Midlands State University, Zimbabwe
  • Peter Masvotore United Theological College, Zimbabwe


Religion, Spirituality, Medicine, Covid-19


In an attempt to come up with an informed interpretation of Christian spirituality within the Corona Virus pandemic (Covid-19), this article addresses the following objectives; reflection on theodicy, why God allowed Covid-19 to happen, exposing how Christian community reacted to the phenomenon and assessing Christianity as a complementary medicine during the prevalence of the pandemic virus. Mixed method design of the qualitative and quantitative approach was adopted with a sample size constituting 14 participants. The primary and secondary data were sourced from the bible, newspapers, articles, internet material as well as telephone interviews. The study found that the experiences of Covid-19 implied affirmations that God punishes the humanity against sin, fulfils biblical prophecies, posed trial and spiritual growth and insinuated that it was God pulling the church and state to the round table. Other issues are that the church got to appropriate and maximise the technological era, partake in the paradigm shift of religious worship in traditions and practices and God’s intervention. The study concludes that humanity is religious and Christian religion provided the necessary remedy, such as healing, to cope with Covid-19.


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