The depiction of masculinities in Wole Soyinka’s play, The Lion and the Jewel
Tradition versus Modernity, Power and Control, Performance and Image, Vulnerability and Insecurity, Choice and AgencyAbstract
This paper challenges static notions of masculinity by examining its portrayal in Wole Soyinka’s The Lion and the Jewel. Through textual analysis, it argues that masculinities within the play are socially constructed and fluid, adapting to specific situations. While feminist analyses have dominated critical interpretations, this paper foregrounds the male characters (Lakunle and Baroka) to explore their performances of masculinity within the play's gendered landscape. Drawing on Connell’s theory of hegemonic masculinity and Butler's concept of performativity, the analysis demonstrates the characters’ negotiations with and subversions of dominant masculine ideals. This approach aligns with a constructivist perspective on gender, which views masculinities as shaped by social expectations rather than inherent traits. By examining the play as a reflection of social realities, the paper contributes to a nuanced understanding of masculinity as a dynamic and context-dependent concept.
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