Conditions characterising transaction costs in multi-campus systems in developing institutions of higher learning. The Case of Great Zimbabwe University


  • Benard Chazovachii Great Zimbabwe University, Zimbabwe
  • Andrew Chindanya Great Zimbabwe University, Zimbabwe


Transaction cost, multi-campus system, network theory


The study assesses conditions characterising transaction costs associated with the multi-campus system at the Great Zimbabwe University. Transaction cost as new institutional economics has been undermined and received no direct research attention nor has the nexus of the two phenomena been theorised in Zimbabwe. This resulted in a lack of consideration of local conditions characterising school teaching and learning operations. A case study was used in order to explore and describe events and experiences by individual lecturers. In this regard, the research was carried out at three centres; Centre for Gender and Culture Studies, School of Social Science and the Great Zimbabwe University Main Campus. Using interviews and focused group discussions, while thematic content analysis, findings revealed that multi-campus seems to fit rather well with the lone star model, based on its decentralisation with specialisation or related degree programmes and support services for students. The morphology of the campuses of Social Sciences has affected the infrastructural, organisational and social network costs affecting lecturers’ teaching, research and university service. Participatory action and learning of the members of staff are needed for them to feel responsible, and accountable for whatever the university administration has done. Efficient and effective shuttle facilities should be availed to lecturers of the School of Social Science for them to access all required and necessary support services for their effective delivery of teaching, research and university service.



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