Interrogating Educators Conceptualisation/Understanding of the Results Based Management System (RBM): A Case of Two Schools in Zimbabwe.


  • Ruth Jaricha Midlands State University, Zimbabwe
  • Wonder Dzimiri Midlands State University, Zimbabwe


Results Based Management, RBM models, performance appraisal, implementation of RBM


This study sought to interrogate educators understanding of the Results Based Management System as a performance management tool in the schools sector in the Seke district of Zimbabwe’s Mashonaland East Province. This was a qualitative case study of two schools, one primary and the other secondary. The case under study was the Results Based Management System. Participants were selected through purposive sampling on the basis of their relevance to the study given their active role in the implementation of the RBM in schools. Underpinned by the interpretivism paradigm, a case study design was adopted wherein data were generated through in-depth interviews with thirty –three educators, two focus groups of eight members each, observation of educators’ attitudes and behavior towards RBM, and document analysis of educators’ work plans. Thus, to enhance the trustworthiness of the findings, method triangulation was employed. In line with the qualitative approach employed in this study, data analysis entailed a thematic approach where emerging data were coded and grouped around recurring themes. Analysis proceeded with data generation. The results of the study revealed that educators had a diverse understanding of the results-based management system. They also did not understand the Results-Based Personnel Performance System as the basis of their performance assessment. This was a potential threat to the effective implementation of the RBM System. The study recommends that continuous training be done to help educators conceptualise the RBM System.


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